
Webinar on women’s health 25.3.

Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan webinaaria hiv-positiivisten naisten terveyteen liittyen tiistaina 25.3. klo 17.30 tapaamispaikkaan. Tilaisuus järjestetään englanniksi ja sitä voi tulla seuraaman yhdessä tapaamispaikkaan tai pyytää itselleen linkin, ohje linkin saamiseksi on alla. Tilaisuuden järjestää HivNorge.


Welcome to a webinar organised by HivNorge on women’s health and HIV by Dr. Nneka Nwokolo. Dr.  Nwokolo has twenty years of work experience being constultant physician in sexual health and HIV medicine at the Chelsea and Westminister Hospital in London. She is currently working av medical director in ViiV Healthcare.

Whatever you might wonder about women’s health and HIV-treatment (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), somatic or mental disorders, like brain fog, pain in muscles, problems with digestion, anxiety or depression, you have a unique chance to ask Dr. Nwokolo about!

The session is in English. We, here in Positiiviset (and Finland), have a possibility to participate online. You are warmly welcome to join us to watch the seminar together in our meeting place in Kamppi! To watch the webinar together in Kamppi, you don’t need to register in advance. 

If you want to participate online on your own, please, register your participation due to the deadline, the 23rd of March here and you will receive the link for the webinar.