
HIV Treatment & Care Information Session with Doctor Jussi Sutinen

Join Our HIV Treatment & Care Information Session with Doctor Jussi Sutinen

We warmly invite you to take part in an open and supportive discussion about HIV treatment. Usually we organize events in Finnish, but now for the first time we are organizing one exclusively in English!

We encourage you not to miss this unique event!

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or have been living with HIV for a long time, this space is for everyone — no matter where you are on your journey. You are welcome to participate, whether you’ve been positive for years or are newly navigating your treatment options.

This session is designed to answer any questions you may have about HIV treatment and to provide a safe and inclusive environment for open conversation. 

Are you curious about how to get started on treatment or how to optimize the one you’re currently on? Perhaps you’re wondering about the latest advancements in treatment and care or how to manage potential side effects. This is the place to ask or just visit to hear Jussi’s presentation!

Here are some examples of what we can explore together:

  • What are the most up-to-date treatment options available?
  • What is important in the context of treatment?
  • What can I expect if I’m switching or adjusting my treatment?
  • Are there alternative therapies or new developments in treatment I should be aware of?
  • How can I talk to my healthcare provider about changing my treatment plan if needed?
  • What lifestyle choices can help me stay healthy while on treatment?

We understand that treatment is a personal journey, and you might be wondering how it fits into your day-to-day life or long-term goals. Whether you’re starting treatment for the first time, considering a switch, or looking to optimize your current plan, this session is a space for you to connect with others who may have similar questions or experiences. These are also topics people talk about in peer support meetings.

Our discussion will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Staying on treatment consistently and effectively
  • The impact of treatment on long-term health and quality of life
  • Managing treatment alongside other health conditions
  • The future of HIV treatment — what’s on the horizon?

Whether you prefer to actively participate or just listen, everyone’s experience is valuable. We encourage you to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with a supportive community that understands the challenges and successes of living with HIV. Together, we can create a space for learning, growth, and understanding, no matter how long you’ve been on your treatment journey.

Different ways you can participate

There are many ways to participate in this event! 

  • Attend in person, ask your own questions or listen to the ones others ask, enjoy the snacks and the supportive atmosphere with us.
  • We are collecting questions in advance to ensure Jussi can address as many questions as possible. If you would like you can send your questions in advance either anonymously or not, using our registration form below.
  • If you are unable to attend, apart from the option of you sending us your question(s) in advance, there is also the opportunity to read about the information shared in this event in our next digital or printed newsletter (Poveri).

Event Details

  • Date: October 9th
  • Time: 17:00 – 19:00 (presentation and Q&A), 19:00 – 20:00 (discussion and mingling)
  • Location: our space in Kamppi, Malminkatu 24C 

Please register to the event here

Welcome to  enjoy snacks and refreshments, hear all that is new in treatment and  get to know fellow attendees in a relaxed and supportive environment.

We look forward to seeing you there, 

Positiiviset ry/HivFinland 


Somatic Wednesdays with Jo

This autumn Jo will offer more of her work as a Somatic Intimacy Coach, enriched with nervous system knowledge and her recent massage training.

Jo will be sharing practices for: 

  • Stress and anxiety relief 
  • Body – mind awareness 
  • Massage  
  • Nervous system regulation 
  • Being in deeper connection with what we need and want at a mind-body level 
  • Consent & empowerment through voice & choice 

These practices are for you if: 

  • You are willing to attend with curiosity and openness  
  • You want to invite the possibility of feeling more relaxed, alive, connected to yourself and others 
  • Want a safer space to share, be yourself and practice listening with curiosity and compassion 

About the meetings: 

  • No practice is ever mandatory. You are welcome to try out and participate as much or little as you want. Everything is invitation based. 
  • Even though you are welcome to participate in some of the above, to benefit most Jo warmly suggests you attend from the beginning and as many of the meetings as you can.

If you want to ask anything about the meetings, send a message to Jo (! 

Schedule and themes 

The meetings last from 17:15 to 18:30/19:00 (Depending on the number of participants and content facilitation time will vary depending on the needs of the group. You are welcome to participate for as long as you want. Warm request that you arrive well on time so we can all settle in the space) 


18.9. Somatic Thai Yoga Massage: paired massage exercises for all (this type of massage takes place fully clothed and on the floor on top of yoga mats/blankets. Please bring your own if participating)


2.10. Embodied Consent part 1 (for women only)
16.10. Embodied Consent part 1 (for everyone) 


6.11. Embodied Consent part 2 (for women only)
13.11. Embodied Consent part 2 (for everyone) 

Joanna ‘Jo’ Samona is working part time in Positiiviset. You can contact Jo directly: Jo speaks also Finnish.


Welcome to our  English speaking meetings!

Positiiviset ry is an advocacy organisation for people living with HIV. We aim to maintain and improve the well-being of people living with HIV. We arrange a wide range of meetings for people living with HIV.

English-speaking group

  • We chat in a relaxed atmosphere about anything that is on our mind,
  • welcome to express ideas around future group activities and make plans together with us,
  • sip tea or coffee and nibble on tasty snacks.

Our meetings are always confidential and you can share as little as you want. You are also welcome to just sit comfortably and  listen.

Meetings are from 17:00- 19:00 in Kamppi, Helsinki. Upcoming meetings:

Drop in visits

Did you know that in Positiiviset ry (HivFinland)  we speak English amongst other languages? We would love to chat with you about all HIV related subjects, the one’s above and more! Welcome to drop by during office hours or give us a call  to (09) 692 5441. You can also contact us via WhatsApp (+358 44 750 7460)